Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Prevention Of Mosquito Bites Allergy

To prevent mosquito bites, take measures to reduce the mosquito population in your home. Using repellents and protective clothing also helps.

Reduce mosquitoes around your home

Mosquitoes need stagnant or standing water to breed. Eliminate standing water, especially after rain, and you can reduce mosquito populations around your home and yard.

To remove the standing water:

Cleaning the gutters.

If possible, children's pools, children's empty, at least once a week, preferably more frequently.

Change the water, birdbaths at least weekly. You can also buy a device placed in birdbaths that keep the water moving so that the eggs of mosquitoes are there.

Get rid of old tires in your yard, because stagnant water collects.

Holding containers used as planters in the courtyard, empty them regularly or store them upside down so that you can not collect water.

If you have a fire pit, drain the water collected regularly.

Other methods of mosquito control may be popular, but its effectiveness is unproven. These methods include:

Electronic insect control, best known as bug zappers

Citronella-scented candles

Attract birds and mammals that feed on mosquitoes

Insect repellents

When used properly, repellents are safe for children and adults. Keep in mind that repellents do not kill mosquitoes, which only make it harder for them to find. This means that even when one works repellent, you can still see these annoying insects buzzing.

Common insect repellents include:

DEET. Pesticides DEET blocks a mosquito's ability to find people who have used it.

Spray the product with a maximum of 35 percent concentration of DEET on your skin and clothing. Choose the concentration based on hours of protection you need - in general, the higher concentration of DEET, the more you're protected. A concentration of 10 percent will protect you for about two hours. Keep in mind that chemical repellents can be toxic, and uses only the amount needed for the moment, you will be outside. Do not use DEET on the hands of small children or infants under the age of 2 months.

Picaridin. This bug, also known as KBR 3023, offers protection comparable to DEET at similar concentrations. It also blocks the mosquito's ability to find people who have requested it. Picaridin is nearly odorless, it can make a good alternative if you are sensitive to odor repellents.

Oil of lemon eucalyptus. This chemical-based plants can provide protection comparable to low concentrations of DEET. Do not use on children under 3 years.

Others. Shorter acting repellents - as citronella - may offer limited protection.

Check the labeling of insect repellent products that chemicals or other substances they contain. And always follow the product application. When you get home, wash your skin and your children's skin with soap and water to remove any remaining repellent.

Protective clothing

What do you think can also help keep mosquitoes at bay. Keep these tips in mind the clothes, especially in areas that are filled with mosquitoes:

Wear long-sleeved shirts.

Wear socks.

Wear long pants and consider returning your pants into your socks.

Use light-colored clothing because mosquitoes are attracted to dark colors.

Apply insect repellent containing permethrin on clothing, footwear and camping gear and bed nets. You can also buy clothes made of permethrin in it.

Use a full-hat protects the head and neck or a baseball cap with fold-out flap to protect the back of the neck. And, when you're in an area where a significant population of mosquito nets to cover the wear face and head.

Infant seat cover or stroller with Extra Mosquito protection.

In addition to these steps, you may need to repair holes in window and door screens.

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