Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Prevention Of Scorpion Allergy

Scorpios have a tendency to avoid contact. To prevent the possibility of meetings:

Eliminate waste, newspapers, posters, rocks, bricks and other objects that make a good hiding place for scorpions in your home.

Keep shrubs trimmed lawn closely and prune branches and overhanging trees, which can provide a path to the roof for scorpions.

Store waste containers in the home, allowing them to rest above the ground.

Caulk cracks, install weather stripping around doors and windows, and repairing broken screens.

Avoid storing firewood in your house.

Always wear shoes outdoors, especially around water sources, such as swimming pools and fountains.

Shake out shoes and clothing before using them in areas where scorpions are common.

When hiking or camping, wear long-sleeved shirts and long pants and check your sleeping bag and clothes for the scorpions every night.

Traveling to other countries - especially if you are camping or staying in rustic accommodations - Shake clothing and bedding often, and sleep fly. If you have a known allergy to insect stings, carry epinephrine injector such as EpiPen.

Carefully make a scorpion. If you find a scorpion near your home or camping, do not worry. Use tweezers to gently remove the scorpion to a safer place.

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