Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Symptoms Of Insect Sting Allergy

Most insect bites cause pain and swelling of the puncture in the field, is called a local reaction.

People who are allergic to bee stings, or who have been stung many times can react more dramatically.

Severe reactions can cause local pain and swelling, increase over the next few hours and become very uncomfortable. This does not have an anaphylactic reaction. The reaction must involve at least 2 of the organ systems of the body (eg, lungs and heart) can be classified as an anaphylactic reaction.

While most local reactions are harmless if they are close to the face or neck, swelling can rapidly clog the airways and cause serious problems.

Fire ant bites

Sting of fire ants cause a reaction in almost everyone.

Itching often on site immediately and retire in one hour.

A little bulb is formed at each site within 4 hours.

At 24.08 hours, a small wound with pus forms in every bite. The area around the wound may feel a burning and itching. Pus does not mean that the wound is infected.

Injuries break within 72 hours. Itching, pain and redness may last several days, but should be improved gradually.

Worsening redness, pain, swelling, heat, and may be a sign of infection at the site. If this occurs, consult your healthcare provider immediately.

The symptoms throughout the body are always a concern, since they may indicate an anaphylactic reaction. Whether these advances reactions, which can lead to death, sometimes within minutes. These reactions may include:

Urticaria (swollen bumps on the skin)

Severe swelling over large parts of the body - face, head, neck, arms / hands, legs / feet

Difficulty breathing, wheezing, or feeling that your throat is closing

Dizziness or fainting

Chest pain or rapid heartbeat

Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea

Dizziness and fainting due to blood pressure dangerously low. This condition is known as the "shock" and often referred to as anaphylaxis, anaphylactic shock.

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